Ayurvedic Autumn Rituals

Ayurveda: The Science of Life

At Jane’s House Studio in Saint Charles, we offer many opportunities to learn about and practice Ayurveda, specifically to support the changes that arise with the seasons.

One of the most fundamental principles of Ayurvedic science is the five elements, which include space, air, fire, water, and earth. These five elements then combine into three basic energies, called doshas, which exist in all matter. The three doshas are vata (space + air), pitta (fire + water), and kapha(water + earth.) The doshas are most observable in nature, and Ayurveda sees autumn as vata season because the fall is dry, light, cold, rough, windy, and empty, especially as trees drop their leaves.

Stay Grounded and Vital This Vata Season

What changes on the outside is also changing on the inside. Aligning lifestyle choices with the changes of nature can support innate health and vitality. Deepening a connection with natural rhythms is also a beautiful way to surrender the spirit to the healing gifts of the season. The Ayurvedic approach suggests harmonizing with nature’s rhythms for optimal health, especially through updating lifestyle and diet to counter the predominant qualities of the season.

  • Establish a daily routine with rituals that are meaningful for you upon rising, sleeping, and mealtimes. 

  • Enjoy foods that are warm, nourishing, and spicy, like hearty soups and stews made of seasonal root vegetables or sweet dishes like baked apples.

  • Use warm oil to combat dryness in the skin. Protect the crown of the head, keep the ears and nasal passages moisturized and covered, and treat yourself to a massage. Therapeutic, loving touch can support grounding.

  • Move slowly and breathe deeply. During a season that is naturally erratic, speed creates more stress and breakdowns - in the body, and even in communication and relationships. Spend your time and energy wisely, known as brahmacharya in Yogic science.

  • Have meaningful conversations. With the holiday season around the corner, gatherings will offer opportunities to connect with loved ones. Prioritize understanding in your communication: listen with compassion and speak with clarity.

A Contemplation:

What does it look like to honor this season in your life? What nourishment do you need right now?

We invite you to learn and practice Ayurveda with us at Jane’s House Studio!


Mindfulness and Meditation


Prenatal Yoga